
Piko framework applications can be seen as a collection of modules and, as we said in introduction, MVC logic is packaged into modules.

A Module works like a sub-application. The main application process asks to the module to run a controller action request and the module return the output.

Module encourage code reusability.

Module declarations inherit from \Piko\Module class

Example of a minimal module declaration:

namespace app\modules\site;

use Piko\Module

class Blog extends Module


An example of module structure:


Application configuration

The application needs to know which modules are used. This can be done in the modules section of the configuration array.

The modules section is a key pair array where keys are modules id and values the classes names or array of module configuration.

config.php example:

return [
    'modules' => [
        'site' => 'app\modules\site\Module'
        'blog' => 'app\modules\blog\Blog',
        'admin' => 'app\modules\admin\Module',
        'api' => [
            'class' => 'app\modules\api\Module',
            'layout' => false,

Bootstrap application

Modules can participate to the application bootstrapping process.

For that, module has to implement a bootstrap method and needs to be declared explicitly in the bootstrap section of the application configuration.

config.php example:

return [
    'modules' => [
        'site' => 'app\modules\site\Module'
    'bootstrap' => [

Module.php example:

namespace app\modules\site;

use Piko\Application;

class Module extends \Piko\Module
    public function bootstrap()
        $app = $this->getApplication();
        $app->language = 'fr';


Override controllers

If needed, module’s controllers can be overriden in the configuration

config.php example:

return [
    'modules' => [
        'site' => [
            'class' => 'app\modules\site\Module',
            'controllerMap' => [
                'default' => 'app\modules\othermodule\controllers\DefaultController'

Sub modules

Module can be part of another module. There is no limit in nested modules level.

There is two ways to declare a sub-module.

In the configuration:

return [
    'modules' => [
        'site' => [
            'class' => 'app\modules\site\Module',
            'modules' => [
                'admin' => 'app\modules\site\admin\Module'

In the parent module class:

namespace app\modules\site;

use Piko\Application;

class Module extends \Piko\Module
    public $modules = [
        'admin' => 'app\modules\site\admin\Module'