
The main application class

Properties summary

Name Description
public $basePath The absolute base path of the application.
public $components The components container
public $defaultLayout The default layout name without file extension.
public $defaultLayoutPath The default layout path. An alias could be used.
public $errorRoute The Error route to display exceptions in a friendl…
public $language The language that is meant to be used for end user…
protected $aliases The aliases container.
protected $errorHandler  
protected $pipeline  

Inherited Properties

Name Description
public $behaviors Behaviors container.
protected $eventDispatcher  
protected $listenerProvider  

Methods summary

Name Description
public __construct Constructor
public getComponent Retrieve a unique instance of a registered compone…
public handle {@inheritDoc}
public pipe Add a middleware in the application pipeline queue…
public run Run the application.

Inherited Methods

Name Description
public __call Magic method to call a behavior.
public attachBehavior Attach a behavior to the class instance.
public detachBehavior Detach a behavior.
public on  
public trigger Trigger an event that may be listen by event liste…


public $basePath : string

The absolute base path of the application.

public $components : (object|callable)[]

The components container

public $defaultLayout : string

The default layout name without file extension.

public $defaultLayoutPath : string

The default layout path. An alias could be used.

public $errorRoute : string

The Error route to display exceptions in a friendly way. If not set, Exceptions catched will be thrown and stop the script execution.

public $language : string

The language that is meant to be used for end users.

protected $aliases : array<string,string>

The aliases container.

protected $errorHandler : \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface

protected $pipeline : \SplQueue<\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface>


public __construct(): void

public  __construct(array&lt;string,string|array&lt;string,mixed&gt;&gt;  $config = []): void



$config (default: []): The application configuration.

public getComponent(): object

public  getComponent(string  $type): object

Retrieve a unique instance of a registered component


$type : The component class

throws \RuntimeExceptionIf the component is not found



public handle(): \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface

public  handle(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface  $request): \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface



$request :

see \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface::handle()



public pipe(): void

public  pipe(\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface  $middleware): void

Add a middleware in the application pipeline queue


$middleware :

see \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface

public run(): void

public  run(\Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface|null  $request = null, bool  $emitHeaders = true): void

Run the application.


$request (default: null):

$emitHeaders (default: true): Controls whether headers will be emmited (header() function called)